COVID-19 Update 2

24th April 2020

Smoking – a greater risk for Covid-19 complications and not a protection.

Public health experts and medical evidence proves that people who smoke are far more likely to develop chronic respiratory diseases such as COPD or asthma, as well as cardiovascular disease.  Smokers  are therefore much more likely to have a poorer outcome should they develop Covid-19.

Smoking is a significant risk factor for coronavirus infections as the toxins in cigarettes reduce the ability to get oxygen from the blood to the tissues and increase levels of carbon monoxide in the blood. Breathing can be severely compromised by smoking and Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. Smoking also kills off the cilia in the airways and lungs. These structures provide an absolutely vital function in moving mucous, inhaled debris and infectious agents out of the airways and lungs.

Vaping is also preferable to smoking due to the lack of tar and other toxic chemicals. However, it is possible that the heated vapour taken into the airways may have a negative effect on the cilia and overall lung function.  This remains under review by leading smoking cessation experts but vaping will be very much less harmful to the body’s respiratory system than continuing to smoke tobacco. 

This crisis could give you the most motivating reason to quit. Your lungs will benefit and your risk of serious consequences from Covid-19 will reduce.   

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